3rd February 2015


Why do we only seem to adjust our spending habits at budget-time and fail to look at the thousands of Euro we could be saving on any other given day of the year?

I am talking specifically about smokers here….

It seems that Ireland will be completely smoke- free in post-budget Ireland if the groans of my esteemed smoking friends and colleagues are anything to go by.

Cigarettes are up by 40cent in the latest budget. 

“I’m not paying a tenner for a pack of smokes…!  That’s it, I’m giving up!” or words to that effect.

My question: Why would you give up for the sake of saving forty cents but not even consider quitting for savings of  €1,000, €5,000 or even €20,000 plus?

Why does it not sink in that smokers who have mortgages, like it or not, will be paying somewhere within that range EXTRA in mandatory mortgage protection premiums as will those with life insurance policies never mind Income Protection policies and the like?

And that’s even with a very average or small mortgage. 

My friends, a couple in their early 40’s are paying €9,788 MORE than their non-smoking counterparts over the 25 year life of their policy on a €140,000 mortgage; a younger couple I know (both 35 and also smokers) are paying €3,430 more on the same mortgage…. But scariest of all - my friends John and Mary (now in their early 50’s with an outstanding mortgage of €140,000 left over the next 20 years) are paying €23,626 extra!

John and Mary have now invested in nicotine patches, e-cigarettes, vapours and the like since Noonan’s 40 cent hike…. but why have they never listened to my repeated cries of “You could save TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIX Euro if you give up smoking?!”

And those savings are based on our no-frills Low.ie savings … and we’re the cheapest in the market…

The mind boggles…

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